USA erakorralises haiglaeelses arstiabis sagedamini kasutatavad lühendid

Abd - abdomen

a.c. - before meals

ACLC - Advanced Cardiac Life Support

ALS - Advanced Life Support

AMA - against medical advises

AMI - acute myocardial infarction

AMS - altered mental status

ANT - anterior

AOB - alcohol on breath

APAP - acetaminophen

APGAR - appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, respirations

Appox - approximately

ARDS - acute respiratory distress syndrome

ASA - acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin)

ATLS - Advanced Trauma Life Support

AV - atrioventricular

A&O - alert and oriented

BBB - bundle-branch block

BCLS - Basic Cardiac Life Support

BID - twice daily

Bilat - bilaterally

BM - bowel movement

BP - blood pressure

BPM - beats per minute

BSA - body surface area

Ca - cancer

CAD - coronary artery disease; computer-aided dispatch

C/C - chief complaint

CCU - critical-care unit; coronary-care unit

CHB - complete heart block

CHD - coronary heart disease

CHF - congestive heart failure

CNS - central nervous system

C/O - complaining of

Co - cardiac output; carbon monoxide

COAD - chronic obstructive airway disease

COLD - chronic obstructive lung disease

COPD - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

CP - cor pulmonale; cerebral palsy

C/P - chest pain

C - section cesarean section

CSF - cerebrospinal fluid

CVA - cerebrovascular accident

D/B - difficulty breathing

D/C - discontinue; disconnect

D₅W - dextrose 5% in water

DKA - diabetic ketoacidosis

DNR - do not resuscitate

DOA - dead on arrival

DOB - date of birth

DOE - dyspnea on exertion

DTs - delirium tremens

DTP - diphtheria and tetanus toxins and pertussis vaccine

DVT - deep-vein thrombosis

Dx - diagnosis

EBV - Epstein-Barr virus

ECC - emergency cardiac care

ECG - electrocardiogram

ECHO - echocardiogram

ED - emergency department

EKG - electrocardiogram

EMV - eye opening, motor responses, verbal responses

EOA - esophageal obturator airway

ER - emergency room

ET - endotracheal

ETOH - ethanol

F - female

Fd - found

FHx - family history

FR - French (catheter gauge)

FROM - full range of motion

FUO - fever of unknown origin

Fx - fracture

G - gravid

GI - gastrointestinal

GSW - gunshot wound

Gtt - guttae (drops)

HAV - hepatitis A virus

HBV - hepatitis B virus

HEENT - head, eyes, ears, nose, throat

HR - heart rate

HSV - herpes simplex virus

HTN - hypertension

Hx - history

ICH - intracranial hemorrhage

ICP - intracranial pressure

ICU - intensive care unit

IDDM - insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus

IFO - in front of

IM - intramuscular

INJ - injury

IO - intraosseous

IRDM - insulin-resistant diabetes mellitus

IV - intravenous

IVC - inferior vena cava

IVDA - intravenous drug abuse

JVD - jugular venous distention

K - potassium

KVO - keep vein open

LA - left atrium

LBBB - left bundle-branch block

LCA - left coronary artery

LLQ - left lower quadrant

LMP - last menstrual period

LOC - loss if consciousness; level of consciousness

LRS - lactated Ringers`s solution

LS - lung sounds

LUQ - left upper quadrant

M - male

MAST - medical antishock trousers

MCL - midclavicular line

Meds - medications

MI - myocardial infarction

MMR - measles-mumps-rubella vaccine

MOD - maturity onset diabetes

MS - multiple sclerosis; mitral valve stenosis

MSO©² - morphine sulfate

Na - sodium

NG - nasogastric

NIDDM - noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus

NKA - no known allergies

N/L - normal limits

NPH - neutral protamin Hagedorn insulin

Npo - non per orum, nothing by mouth

NR - none reported

NS - normal saline

NSAID - nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug

NT - nasotracheal

NTG - nitroglycerin

N/V - nausea and vomiting

OB/GYN - obstetrics and gynecology

OD - overdose

OR - operating room

OTC - over-the-counter

PAB - premature atrial beat

PAC - premature atrial contraction

PAT - paroxysmal atrial tachycardia

PCN - penicillin

PCP - phencyclidine (street names include angel dust, peace pill)

PE - physical exam; pulmonary embolism

PFA - psychological first aid

PERRLA - pupils equal, round, react to light and accommodation

PMS - premenstrual syndrome

PNS - peripheral nervous system

PPD - purified protein derivative (tuberculin)

PPV - positive-pressure ventilation

Prn - (Latin) pro re nata, as necessary

Psi - pounds per square inch

PSVT - paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia

Pt - patient

Pt/sts - patient states

PT - physical therapy

PTE - pulmonary thromboembolism

PVB - premature ventricular contraction

Px - physical examination

RBBB - right bundle-branch block

RDS - respiratory distress syndrome

RLQ - right lower quadrant

RLS - rule out

ROM - range of motion

RR - respiratory rate

RUQ - right upper quadrant

SA - sinoatrial

S&S - signs and symptoms

SBP - systolic blood pressure

SCD - sudden cardiac death

SIDS - sudden infant death syndrome

SL - sublingual

SN - sinus node

SOB - shortness of breth

SP - systolic pressure

SQ - subcutaneous

S/S - signs and symptoms

STD - sexually transmitted disease

SV - stroke volume

SVT - supraventricular tachycardia

Sx - symptome

TB - tuberculosis

TIA - transient ischemic attack

TKO - to keep open

TMJ - temporomandibular joint

TX - treatment

UGI - upper gastrointestinal

URI - upper respiratory infection

USP - United States Pharmacopoeia

UTI - urinary-tract infection

VD - venereal disease

Vfib - ventricular fibrillation

VPB - ventricular premature beat

VPC - ventricular premature contraction

VT - ventricular tachycardia

WNL - within normal limits

"Emergency Medical Services"
Vol.29, Nr.2

Raul Adlas
Tallinna Kiirabi
Eesti Kiirabid